Dave Walsh: The Cold Edge

Ethereal, emotional photographs of the unforgiving wilderness, wild animals and blue icebergs that question our romantic relationship with remote, harsh and pristine environments. Images that resonate with a quiet tension; all may not be right in the Garden of Eden.

Haunted Dublin

Haunted Dublin: Chilling accounts of the supernatural in the city AVAILABLE NOW! €14.99+€3.50 post and packaging By Dave Walsh Introduction by Barry Kavanagh Paperback: 93 pages, including 40 photographs by Dave Walsh Nonsuch Ireland/History Press Published October 2008Haunted Dublin, by author and journalist Dave Walsh, gathers together in one succinct volume, well-known legends with rare and chilling accounts of the supernatural in the city. With poltergeists and apparitions, lore, myth and the downright scary, this fascinating work will delight and unsettle those brave enough to explore this hidden world. > iframe {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;} _psEmbed("https://www.davewalshphoto.com"); View the Haunted Dublin photograph collection » Dublin is the perfect haunted city, with its narrow cobbled streets concealing layers of interwoven history and folklore, left behind by generations of Viking, Norman and Irish inhabitants. Walking through the streets of a dark October evening, as Halloween or Samhain grows closer and the moon slips...

A Load of Blather

Click for larger cover image " provides a low-key, entertaining weirdness unmatched elsewhere" - Fortean Times Read the full review here (pdf) » Only € 9.99 + P&P! By Dave Walsh, Barry Kavanagh, Damien DeBarra, Sue Walsh and others Paperback: 144 pages Publisher: Nonsuch Ireland Published May 20th 2008 See photographs and read about the launch party on June 12th, 2008 at the Dice Bar, 78 Queen Street, Dublin and read Damien's account of the night here » Listen to an interview about A Load of Blather with Dave Walsh on Phantom 105.2FM » Eleven years, three convictions, two deportations, ten thousand pints, six barring orders and a legion of leather-clad groupies later, Dave Walsh, Barry Kavanagh and Damien DeBarra (the cheap tarts that brought you Blather.net) bring you their latest labour of love: A Load of Blather: Unreal Reports from Ireland and Beyond, the first book that anyone has...


Ah, crop circles. Those magical mysteries left in the cornfields of England and other countries every summer by passing extraterrestrials, smack bang in the middle of ley lines energy lines, and fuck knows what else. But wait. They're really made by humans? It's happened to me a couple of times now - I've been in the throes of some bizarre pub conversation, when I let it slip that crop circles made by a bunch of people in a field at night, and not they're not of paranormal origin. Stunned silence. Someone ventures "well, some of them must be real, musn't they?". "Well", I reply. "I can't prove to you that none of them are create by paranormal means. I can assure you that a great many of them are definitely made by a bunch of lads with some boards and rope. The silence is now stony. Feet are shuffled. I...


Liam Fay Beyond Belief (Amazon.com) Beyond Belief (Amazon.co.uk) 'Beyond Belief' is a concatenation of Liam Fay's religious writings in the Irish music and current affairs magazine Hot Press, a publication not particularly renowned for pulling its punches. Fay himself is infuriatingly graced with a seldom witnessed talent; the ability to heave his readership rolling into the aisles with life-threatening paroxysms of laughter, by passing corny remarks which made by anyone else would be intolerably dull. Apart from the humour, there's a plethora of useful material in here to occupy the Fortean reader, which serves to present rather more diversity in Irish contemporary belief than people outside of Ireland would probably be aware of. Fay uncovers countless forms of religious oddity, 'Jesus of Coolock' - the Messiah's appearance on a bedroom door, The Tridentine priest who performs Christian versions of Ozzy Osbourne hits, a lonely Tridentine bishop providing premium rate confession...


Barnaby Conrad Absinthe: History in a Bottle (Amazon.com) Absinthe: History in a Bottle (Amazon.co.uk) Absinthe: History in a Bottle(Powell's Books - new or secondhand) Why are we selling this? Read the related Blather article, How to Drink Absinthe


Last Words: The Final Journals of William S. Burroughs (Amazon.com) Last Words: The Final Journals of William S. Burroughs (Amazon.co.uk) "How I hate those who are dedicated to producing conformity" - Last Words This tender and moving book, lovingly edited by Burrough's longtime companion, James Grauerholz, may come as a surprise to those who know Burroughs as a scary old homosexual junky who penned *Naked Lunch*, the man who shot his wife in the head when performing a 'William Tell routine' or appeared as the heroin-addicted priest in *Drugstore Cowboy*. More true to life, Burroughs was one of the last true gentlemen, a radical of any era, a painfully sensitive and an untouchable writer. *Last Words* is collection of his diaries from November 1996, until his death, at the age of 83. Entries often begin with accounts of his dreams, thoughts about his cats, or memories that seep in from...


Paul Devereux and Peter Brookesmith UFOs and Ufology: The First Fifty Years (Amazon.com) UFOs and Ufology: The First Fifty Years (Amazon.co.uk) It was with some hesitation that I chose to purchase Paul Devereux and Peter Brookesmith's 'UFOs & Ufology'. I had read Bob Rickard's review in Fortean Times 106, where he gave it an 'Excellent' rating, and I have deep respect for both authors - I've cited Devereux's endeavours in Blather before. But when I went to pay IEP£20 for their new publication, I was a little taken aback. I held in my hand a 'coffee table' sized tome, with an almost abstract rendition of 'extra-terrestrial' in front of a saucer. 'Potboiler', I muttered, and left it down. Eventually, after a few minutes thumbing through the pages, pacing and beard stroking, I was away with a copy under my arm. Apparently you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I...


Geoffrey Ashe The Hell-Fire Clubs: A History of Anti-Morality (Amazon.com) The Hell-Fire Clubs: A History of Anti-Morality (Amazon.co.uk) The Hell-Fire Clubs: A History of Anti-Morality (Powell's Books - new or secondhand) Originally published in 1974, *The Hell-Fire Clubs - A History of Anti-Morality* is Geoffrey Ashe's valuable study of the Knights of St. Francis a.k.a. the Monks of Medmenham - erroneously referred to these days as *The* Hell-Fire Club. This infamous mid-eighteenth century organisation of Sir Francis Dashwood, Lord Sandwich and John Wilkes amongst others was, ironically, the most tasteful, contrived and the least violent of all the groups of rich wastrels - the original Hell-Fires, or Mohocks - who roamed the streets of London and Dublin, literally raising hell. As Ashe says of the Irish Protestant gentry of the time: 'the Irish Hell-Fire groups are harder to sort out... they tended to be more frankly wicked, and sometimes more...


Blather review to follow - here's one from Amazon in the meantime: "Harpur has presented the evidence honestly and with a charming shot of whimsy. And what has he evidenced? That the collective human (and more than human) Psyche has a sense of humour, but far too few of us mere mortals have gotten the joke yet. In this book Harpur sets out, like tawdry market wares, the irrational and comical side of Otherworldly phenomena, an aspect which is so frequently neglected in the popular literature on the Occult. But Harpur isn't setting out to poke fun at us mortals, nor is he pulling our leg. Instead he is trying to awaken us to the playful and comedic aspects of the Anima Mundi, the World Soul, from which springs phenomena as diverse as UFOs, elf-shot, Virgins of all faiths, phantasmic Social Workers, Men-In-Black and the playful dead. "Revealed within are...