
Januar 8, 2006

Back to Norway

the yardYes, "Back to Norway!" as Klaus Dinger from Neu! so memorably hollered in song.

I've been out of the country for two weeks, and now I have returned. Everything here in Oslo seems pretty much the way I left it, but in the first hours after my arrival, it seemed like I'd lived a whole life in the interim, like I'd been away in Ireland for a hundred years. But despite feeling disconcertingly different, I simply picked up my life from where I left off.

I had been feeling fairly glum about employment prospects and impending financial doom, but I am pleased to find myself in a snowfield of optimism. The bar project is going very well, and this block is fast becoming the most interesting part of the city. I probably need a proper job to keep the wolves from the door, but for the moment I will be able to live, work, and even record music all in the same building.

Here's the yard, in a picture taken today. A godt nyttår to you all.

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Posted by barry at Januar 8, 2006 7:30 EM

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